Marginal Rate of Substitution

The Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) tells how much a unit of a good is worth to the consumer in terms of the other good. $$MRS = - \frac{MU_X}{MU_Y}$$


Alice's utility function is `u \left( X, Y \right) = XY`.

Her marginal rate of substitution is the ratio of the marginal utilities `MU_X` and `MU_Y`:

$$ MRS = - \frac{MU_X \left( X, Y \right)}{MU_Y \left( X, Y \right)} = - \frac{Y}{X} $$


Alice's utility function is `u (X, Y) = X^{738} Y^{861}`.

What is the Marginal Rate of Substitution of strawberries for a chocolate in function of X and Y?

$$ MU_X = \frac{du(X, Y)}{dX} = 738 X^{738 - 1} Y^{861} = 738 X^{737} Y^{861} $$ $$ MU_Y = \frac{du(X,Y)}{dY} = 861 X^{738} Y^{861 - 1} = 861 X^{738} Y^{860} $$


$$ MRS = - \frac{MU_X \left( X, Y \right)}{MU_Y \left( X, Y \right)} = - \frac{738 X^{737} Y^{861}}{861 X^{738} Y^{860}} = - \frac{738 Y}{861 X} $$